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By Rick Karhu • Javascript by Rick Karhu

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HINT: many of these answers can be found in other parts of Spare Bricks.

1. What war did Alf Razzell refer to in his retelling of Bill Hubbard's death?

2. The "four minutes" on the album Radio K.A.O.S refers to what?

3. On The Final Cut what did Maggie take?

4. Complete this lyric from "Dogs of War": You must die so...?

5. What animal on Animals is the war-like one?

6. Eric Fletcher Waters died at what location during World War II?

7. A "battle of words" is mentioned on what Pink Floyd song?

8. Where did the prophet recline in "Towers of Faith"?

9. Corporal Clegg won his wooden leg when?

10. Which of the following is NOT a lyric from "Free Four"?

11. Which song on The Final Cut originally had a second part that never appeared on the album?

12. Who sings the song "The Little Boy Who Santa Claus Forgot" heard over the opening of the film of The Wall?

13. What song contains the line "He has fought and he has died"?

14. "Country Song" from the Zabriskie Point soundtrack uses what game as a metaphor for war?

15. What does "each small candle" do?

16. What song mentions the "cold glass eye"?

17. What David Gilmour solo song describes nuclear war coming "with the beating of drums"?

18. Where did Roger Waters restage The Wall live in 1990?

19. The song "Vera" from The Wall alludes to a 1939 song called...?

20. Which of the following tracks from When the Wind Blows was NOT written by Roger Waters?